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alberto damian


Italian, 1947

Paola Agosti was born in Turin in 1947. In 1968 she moved to Rome and began her career as a photographer which led her to travel extensively in Italy, Europe, South America, the United States and Africa.

Since 1976 she has paid particular attention to faces and facts of the female world, realizing photo essays on feminism and the work of women in factories of northern Italy, about which she had published several books. On several occasions she portrayed political leaders, men of culture and famous artists. Her latest book, Itinerari – Il lungo viaggio di una fotografa [Itineraries – The Long Journey of a Photographer] (Postcart), was published on March 8, 2023, International Women’s Day. Her photographs have been published in leading Italian and international newspapers, and are part of the permanent collection of several museums in Italy and abroad. She lives and works in Turin and Rome.